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Our Programs at Channing Murray

UU Social Justice Film Series

The UU Social Justice Film Series is a monthly film series cosponored by the Channing Murray Foundation and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian-Universalist Church. Selected films span a variety of social justice issues from labor organizing to feminism(s), environmental justice to immigration. All films feature local experts facilitating a post-film dialogue aimed at discussing local organizing and building networks where activists can connect.


West African Dance Classes

Tuesdays and Sundays 6:00- 7:30 pm, in the Chapel

$12 Students/ $15 Community, Bulk Rates Avalable

Website: http://djibrilcamaradance.weebly.comFacebook Group: West African Drum and Dance Community in Champaign-Urbana

Contact Djibril Camara for details.

C-U Tango Nights

Mondays 9:00-10:00pm, in the Chapel


Blues Dance

Second Friday of every month 8:00pm when school in session, in the Chapel

8:00pm Intermediate Lesson

9:00pm Dancing until Midnight

$5 Students/ $7 Non-students


Red Herring Poetry Workshop

Even date Mondays 7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room
A poetry round table where poets read and discuss their works. Bring 10 copies of your poem to read and critique. All styles and types of poetry welcome. Poetry readings are held once a month (the second Monday). Contact Ruth Walker at 217.356.3983 for details.

Fiction Writers Workshop

Tuesdays 7:15 p.m. in the Fireside Room
Learn how to publish your writing, bring manuscripts and also lend a critical ear to the writings of others. Short stories, novels, and plays read and critiqued. Persons of all writing experience levels welcome. Regulars range from novices to published authors. Contact Elaine Palencia (356-3893) for details.

© Copyright Channing Murray Foundation Unitarian Universalist Campus Center. all rights preserved.

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